Raw dog food supplier Hull - Dachshund Dogs and Puppies for sale

Diddy Pup
Call us: 07960756020
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Diddy pups are Hulls number 1 raw dog food supplier supplying in bulk and single sausages
all our raw dog food comes in 1lb blocks individually packaged

We are fully licneced by hull city council and  Hulls  number 1 raw dog food wholesaler

We have a mix of raw dog food straights so only 1 type of meat and also 80-10-10 mixes

Our raw dog food list is below and prices due to changes in the market prices can change due to electric prices
however we will always to try keep prices as advertised.

450-60g sausages.
At diddy pup we have a retail outlet for primal raw dog feed @reservoir road in Hull

Our raw dog food  sausage weighting 1lb in weight are avaliblein sigles or a bulk order

we supply a large number of local kennels and people with a large number of dogs

We have the following raw dog food available to collect in Hull on clough road.
All small orders £1 per sausage
Chicken / bone raw dog feed sausage 1lb
80-10-10 mix
Chicken / Tripe
Chicken / Salmon
Chicken / Beef
Lamb veg
Beef tripe

We also have other mixes to many to list
Straight mince
Bulk orders from 50p per sausage
Bulk dog food is available in Hull at lower prices than anyone else if you find a lower price call us
and we will always try our best to give you a competitive rate
Raw dog food cheap hull
raw dog food hull
raw dog food

Dachshund Dogs
Mini Dachshund Dogs

Dachshund Dogs

Dachshund Dogs
Mini Dachshund

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